
Karen Kader


  • Generate

Karen and her family relocated to Perth from South Africa in 2009. Prior to the move, Karen accumulated 15 years of administrative work experience a the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg. Her tenure involved working in the Department of Botany and later in the Department of Chemistry. In February 2010, Karen commenced her employment at the University of Western Australia, specifically in the School Office of the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 2015, she transitioned to the Microelectronics Research Group within the same department, taking up the role of Group Administrator. Presently Karen is an integral member of the TMOS Business Team. Her passion lies in working with individuals and providing assistance. To further explore her interest in this field, she is a Mental Health First Aid Officer and is currently pursuing a Diploma in Community Services.

Current Projects

  • Quatum sensing with spin defects in hBN Cryogenic spectroscopu of quanutm emitters in hBN
  • Novel quantum emitters in IR and NIR band

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