Inclusive Recruitment

The Centre aims to support the careers and success of our potential team members through equitable and inclusive recruitment. We have considered best practice and adopted innovative approaches which help us meet the needs of the Centre whilst creating a dynamic environment with more creativity and better problem solving. We hold ourselves accountable with a Centre target of reaching 40% female and gender diverse postdoctoral researchers by 2026 and so far, we’ve made good progress.

Below you’ll find links to our Recruitment Policy and Recruitment Procedure; we have also created a visual flowchart of the process for quick reference (and if reading policies aren’t you’re thing)

Achievement Relative to Opportunity

At RMIT (one of the Centre partner universities), we apply Achievement Relative to Opportunity (ARtO) to the application process. ARtO enables candidates to demonstrate their accomplishments in light of the opportunities available to them. An example of when someone might find ARtO useful, is if they’ve had a significant period of time out of the workforce due to caregiving responsibilities.

“Evidence from ARtO in academic promotion shows that it can improve career outcomes and retention for staff by changing the paradigm in decision making away from the traditional concept of ‘merit’. Changing traditional methods of evaluating merit in the employee lifecycle has the potential to allow women and people from diverse backgrounds to be fairly evaluated and shift the dominance of people who have experienced little or no career interruption.” – read the full SAGE article.

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