
Wafer-Scale, Thickness-Controlled Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Its Applications

TIME: 11:00am

WHEN: 27 February, 2025




Join Sungkyunkwan University’s Professor Hyeon Suk Shin as he discusses how 2D materials are emerging as a promising platform for next-generation electronics and optics. One of the key challenges in bringing these materials into practical applications is achieving mass production. In this talk, he will present a breakthrough in which production of the 2D material hBN was achieved at wafer scale.

Hyeon Suk Shin is the director of IBS Center for 2D Quantum Heterostructures at SKKU and a professor at the Department of Energy and Department of Chemistry, SKKU. Before joining IBS center and SKKU, he was a UNIST endowed chair professor at Department of Chemistry, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea.

He received his PhD from the Department of Chemistry at POSTECH in 2002. After working as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Cambridge, UK and subsequently as a research Professor at POSTECH, he joined UNIST in 2008 and recently moved to SKKU to become the director of the IBS center at SKKU in 2024.

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