Every year in Australia, more than 5000 children are rescued after being left unattended in a car. Not all of those children are saved before they succumb to death by heatstroke, with at least ten Aus [...]
TMOS researchers have developed a proof-of-concept technology that could pave the way for next-generation displays to supersede LCDs and LEDs, enabling screens and electronic devices to become thinner [...]
Robots and autonomous cars will have eyes that see much more than the human eye is capable of, a review of the growing field of meta-optics has found. [...]
3D holograms from your phone, television, or favourite droid have been promised for decades but despite being of great interest, have yet to materialize. The applications for them are far-reaching, pa [...]
In research published today in Nano Letters, physicists have delivered an unexpected boost for researchers with a new technique for 3D nanoscale elemental analysis for ion-electron microscope systems [...]
Researchers at the ANU node of TMOS have had their recent paper “Selective area growth of GaN nanowire: partial pressures and temperature as the key growth parameters” selected as the ACS Editors [...]
A key element for future quantum technology is a step closer with the unveiling of a tiny quantum light source, less than one hundredth the diameter of a hair thick. [...]
Scientists are about to turn your smartphone into a tool that can diagnose diseases such as malaria, making mobile medical diagnostics affordable and accessible to remote areas such as third world cou [...]
TMOS Chief Investigator and Australian National University Distinguished Professor Chennupati Jagadish will become the next President of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS). He is the first Aus [...]