Chennupati Jagadish
- Chief Investigator
- Australian National University
Jagadish is a Distinguished Professor and Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group in the Research School of Physics, Australian National University. He has served as Vice-President and Secretary Physical Sciences of the Australian Academy of Science during 2012-2016. He is currently serving as Past President of IEEE Photonics Society, Past President of Australian Materials Research Society and Convener of Australian Nanotechnology Network. Jagadish is the Editor-in-Chief of Applied Physics Reviews, Editor of 3 book series and serves on editorial boards of 20 other journals. He has published more than 940 research papers (660 journal papers), holds 5 US patents, co-authored a book, co-edited 15 books, edited 13 conference proceedings and 18 special issues of Journals. He has won the 2000 IEEE Millennium Medal and received Distinguished Lecturer awards from IEEE NTC, IEEE LEOS and IEEE EDS. He has given more than 190 plenary/keynote/invited talks at primary conferences in the field.
Jagadish is a Foreign Member of US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, The World Academy of Sciences, US National Academy of Inventors, Indian National Science Academy, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Indian Academy of Sciences, Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences, IEEE, APS, MRS, OSA, AVS, ECS, SPIE, AAAS, FEMA, APAM, IoP (UK), IET (UK), IoN (UK) and the AIP. He received many awards including IEEE Pioneer Award in Nanotechnology, IEEE Photonics Society Engineering Achievement Award, OSA Nick Holonyak Jr Award, ISCS Welker Award, IUMRS Somiya Award, UNESCO medal for his contributions to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies, IEEE EDS Education Award, AOS Beattie Steel Medal and Lyle medal from the Australian Academy of Science. He has received Australia’s highest civilian honor, AC, Companion of the Order of Australia, as part of 2016 Australia day honors from the Governor General of Australia for his contributions to physics and engineering, in particular nanotechnology.
Jagadish and his wife Vidya have created an Endowment to support visiting students from developing countries to spend up to 3 months at ANU Physics to gain research experience and develop collaborative linkages.